Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Veneers Lebanon Beirut best option and technique for Hollywood smile by Dr.Habib Zarifeh Head of CMC dental division affiliated with Johns Hopkins international

Veneers also known as Emax, Empress, Zirconium crowns and bridges, prepless veneers in Lebanon Beirut: 

All techniques can lead to a beautiful permanent white teeth, but each technique can either do good for your smile with minimum cosmetic countouring or give you a perfect smile with no teeth structure left:

Zirconium crowns and Lumineers Hollywood smile Lebanon

Lumineers Hollywood smile Beirut

Prepless veneers Hollywood smile Lebanon Beirut

However the best technique for Hollywood smile LEbanon still to be the Lumineers by Cerinate, where there's no drilling, no anesthesia, no pain Hollywood smile procedure with a 5 years international warranty from Cerinate Lab California.

Miss.Lebanon Lumineers Hollywood smile by Dr.Habib Zarifeh

Lumineers has been proven to last more than 20 years.

Choose right and we'll change your life.

Hotline: +96171118100
Website: http://www.hollywoodsmilebeirutlebanon.com